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Getting the Most From the Seasons of Life

Today, daylight savings. 

Next week, Spring! 

Quickly we’re approaching the mid-point of March and the weather makes that obvious.

Over the past week we’ve had a lot of rain here in the mountains of North Carolina. It felt like April showers decided to come early.

Spring, beginning to stake its territory, with greenery and small buds appearing throughout the landscape.

But then, another cold, cold night. And today, that means a fire to cozy around! 

Never knowing when it will be the last for this year (at least for warmth's sake!) - I cherish every moment.

Being in touch with the natural world teaches us to savor moments like these. To enjoy the season we are in. To embrace the unpredictable flow of nature, even when we’re feeling ready for something different.

The same goes for life. So often we are rushing. Rushing, rushing, rushing. But if we slow down to embrace the season we are in, we can clearly see there are still lessons to be learned. Moments to savor. Emotion to be felt. Gratitude to embrace. 

And until the season has fully run its course, on its own time, in its own way… then, and only then, will the season change.

In this ephemeral period, before the transition fully takes place, we can see with most clarity and certainty what we are wishing for. What we are ready for.

Because our perception has changed, while the circumstances have not. 

If we are truly present and open to learn these lessons fully and deeply, unlike the seasons, they will not be back. 

Live your Truth

& Love to All,


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